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The MA program in United Nations and Global Policy Studies is structured as a Master’s degree for students and professionals who seek to enhance their understanding of global affairs. The UNMA program may also serve as a complement to professional degrees in fields of law, social work, gender studies, public health, labor studies and international relations.

With the increased emphasis on global finance and economics, public health, climate change, energy, and sustainable development, the MA program in United Nations and Global Policy Studies fills the growing demand for experts who possess the theoretical and applied knowledge required to address these issues. The United Nations reflects the diversity of the global arena and the struggle to overcome the cultural, ethnic and economic boundaries that divide us.

The MA program emphasizes global and multicultural approaches to the study of these issues. The MA program in United Nations and Global Policy Studies prides itself on the diversity of its student body that includes recent college graduates, mid-career and young professionals, diplomats and members of international NGOs—who wish to enrich their engagement with global public policy and United Nations studies. The MA program offers full-time or part-time enrollment opportunities.


Length of Study - 36 Credits

Although the UNMA is designed as a two-year degree program, we strive to be flexible on the time it takes a student to complete the program, especially in light of the professional commitments many of our students have. Therefore, students can enroll in the UNMA on a full-time or part-time basis, thus spending 2-4 years to complete the necessary 36 credit (12 courses) for MA degree. While a full semester course load is 9 credits (3 courses), students can take a reduced course load, allowing greater flexibility in scheduling their classes. International students, however, must consult the Center for Global Services at the Rutgers' Centers for Global Advancement and International Affairs (GAIA Centers) about minimum credit requirements for maintaining their legal status in the US.


Course Offerings

The UNMA offers courses in the Fall, Spring and Summer semesters in different formats to accommodate students’ interests, needs and personal and professional commitments. Thus, some courses are taught in traditional classroom settings that allow direct interaction with the professor and peers. These courses are offered on the Rutgers University campus in New Brunswick (Webex/Zoom simultaneously via video-wall technology) and during the weekend.

At the same time, increasing number of courses are taught online, offering greater flexibility in finishing credits toward the degree.


Program Requirements

  1. 16:790:500  Introduction to the United Nations (3 credits)

  2. 16:790:501 Theory and Methods in the Study of Global Affairs (3 credits)

  3. 16:790:599 Capstone Seminar in United Nations & Global Policy Studies (3 Credits)

  4. Completion of 27 elective credits within the UNMA program

  5. A grade point average of 3.0 (B) is required to earn the degree. The average will be calculated from all the courses undertaken. Only 9 credits (3 courses) can be graded below B to qualify for the degree.



In addition to academic courses, students can enroll in a three credit course, 790:590 Research Internship in United Nations and Global Policy Studies.   

If students are planning to take any courses outside of the UNMA Program they need to get an approval from the Vice Chair of the UNMA Program.