2023 PhD Graduate Cohort
2023 PhD Graduate Cohort
Barnes, Katelyn
- Katelyn Barnes
- Fields of Study: Women and Politics, International Relations & Comparative Politics
- Bio:
Fields of Study: Women and Politics, International Relations, Comparative Politics
Charles Eaton
- Eaton, Charles
- Fields of Study: Political Theory, International Relations and Comparative Politics
- Bio:
Charles' interests are: Political Theory, International Relations, Comparative Politics
Heuerding, Ayisha
- Ayisha Heuerding
- Fields of Study: Women & Politics; Race, Ethnicity & Politics
- Bio:
Ayisha earned her BA and MA in Political Science from the University of Amsterdam, where she acquired minors in Gender & Sexuality Studies and Conflict Studies. She has also worked in the non-profit sector and taught anti-racism and intersectionality workshops. At Rutgers, she is following subfield specializations in Women & Politics and Race, Ethnicity & Politics. Her research concentrates on legacies of Apartheid and sexual and gender-based violence in Southern Africa. Hereby, she is interested in how violence affects groups with intersecting, vulnerable identities, specifically black women and black queer women. Other themes of interest include historical and present-day trauma, approaches to justice, and pathways to healing.
Hahn, Majka
- Majka Hahn
- Fields of Study: Women and Politics, Comparative Politics, American Politics
- Bio:
Majka's research interests include the politics of reproduction, feminist social movements and mixed methods research design. Prior to attending Rutgers, she received a B.A. in Political Science and Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies from Simon Fraser University and a M.A. in Political Science from McGill University.
George, Sandra
- Sandra George
- Fields of Study: Comparative Politics, International Relations, South-Asia
- Bio:
Sandra is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Political Science at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Her research interest includes comparative politics, social movements, right-wing populism, and politics in South Asia. Prior to attending Rutgers, Sandra earned her Post Graduation in Political Science from the University of Delhi and Graduation in Political Science and History from St. Stephen's College, Delhi.