McCabe, Katherine
- Katherine McCabe
- Associate Professor
- Subfield: American Politics, Methods
- Office: Hickman Hall - 408
- Phone: 848-932-1916
Personal Website:
- Office Hours:
- Specialties:
American Politics, Political Psychology, Public Opinion, Political Behavior, Identity
- Graduate Content:
- Program in American Politics
- Bio:
Katherine McCabe is an assistant professor of political science at Rutgers University. Dr. McCabe's research is at the intersection of political psychology, public opinion, and political communication in American politics. She examines how individual's social identities, attitudes, and personal experiences shape and complicate how they engage in politics and make political decisions. Her current work focuses on the formation of attitudes on health care issues, the role of the information environment in political belief formation, and how people resolve tension between conflicting political identities and attitudes.
Dr. McCabe joined the Rutgers faculty in 2017. She teaches courses in American politics, political behavior, political psychology, and quantitative methods. She has also co-organized Summer Institutes in Computational Social Science at Rutgers, which provide training for doctoral students and early career researchers.
She received a bachelor's degree in government from Harvard University and a master's degree and doctorate in politics from Princeton University.
- Teaching:
Elections and Participation 790:303
Psychology and Politics 790:348
Data Science for Political Science 790:391
Experimental Methods 790:676
Maximum Likelihood Estimation 790:677 - Publications:
Asbury, Victoria, Keng-Chi Chang, Katherine McCabe, Kevin Munger, and Tiago Ventura. (2021). "The Effect of Streaming Chat on Perceptions of Debates." Journal of Communication jqab041,
Kolcak, Burcu and Katherine T. McCabe. (2021). Federalism at a partisan's convenience: public opinion on federal intervention in 2020 election policy. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 31(sup1), 167-179.
Funck, Amy S. and Katherine T. McCabe. (2021). "Partisanship, Information, and the Conditional Effects of Scandal on Voting Decisions." Political Behavior
Lerman, Amy E. and Katherine T. McCabe. (2017). Personal Experience and Public Opinion: Assessing Conditional Policy Feedback. The Journal of Politics 79(2): 624-41.
Mendelberg, Tali, Katherine T. McCabe, and Adam Thal. (2017). College Socialization and the Economic Views of Affluent Americans. American Journal of Political Science 61(3): 606-23. doi: 10.1111/ajps.12265.
McCabe, Katherine T. (2016). Attitude Responsiveness and Partisan Bias: Direct Experience with the Affordable Care Act. 2016. Political Behavior 38(4): 861-82. doi: 10.1007/s11109-016-9337-9.
- Research:
American Politics