During the Summer of 2022, Elizabeth Leoce interned with the National Security Think Tank, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW). Elizabeth worked directly with ISW’s Afghanistan Lead Researcher, Peter Mills, conducting open-source research on Afghanistan and its neighboring countries. This included research on Iranian influence in Pakistan, such as examining different Baloch groups and researching Afghan Taliban-TTP relations. She was also able to collaborate with a team to produce intelligence forecasts that utilize analysis techniques to forecast emerging trends regarding Afghanistan. Throughout this internship, Elizabeth was able to gain a better understanding of the MENA region, which she will be able to use in future career opportunities. This experience has inspired Elizabeth to continue research outside of ISW, as she hopes to focus her career on engaging with analysis while studying the MENA region. Although virtual, she was recently able to visit her co-workers in Washington, D.C., where they took a trip to the National Museum of the United States Army at Fort Belvoir, Virginia.
Students on the Move
Elizabeth Leoce
- Elizabeth Leoce
- Story Title: Institute for the Study of War (ISW)
- Student Profile: Leoce, Elizabeth