Tonia Flatt is earning her Master’s degree in United Nations and Global Policy Studies with a concentration in Human Rights, Gender Equality, and International Law at Rutgers University. Prior to pursuing her M.A., Tonia completed her Bachelor’s degree at Rutgers University in Political Science. While completing her Master’s, she has been working as a paralegal, gaining extensive experience in family-based and humanitarian immigration law.
Tonia is looking forward to using her experience in academia and the professional world to begin working in public interest, either with a law firm, government office, or non-profit organization. In the near future, she will be heading to law school in the hopes of becoming an attorney.
Her professional experience has propelled Tonia to seek out volunteer opportunities to address other key issues in society, such as homelessness and food insecurity. Focusing on these key issues, she has been able to reach out to the Latino community using her fluency in Spanish. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking, gardening, cooking and spending time with her family.