Javier Nino is a 2011 Kean University Graduate that studied Political Science with a concentration on Latin American Studies. Foraying into IT as an enlisted Soldier in the U.S Army, Javier continues to serve and has been selected for the highly competitive Green to Gold Program. This program allowed him to earn a Masters, while embarking on the challenge of becoming a commissioned officer. Javier’s academic and professional areas of focus include but are not limited to: conflict resolution, international relations, and the role and relationship of the Pentagon and the State Department in nation building.
Javier aspires to serve a stint in the Infantry, to get a boots on the ground perspective, eventually transitioning to being a Military Intelligence Officer.
Proficient in Spanish, a position as Foreign Area Officer in Spain, or Latin American Country, is a career goal. The words of Sun Tzu, “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting” guide Javier’s pursuit of knowledge, and excellence.