Upcoming Events

UNMA Career Talk - Kyla Brooke, Diplomat in Resident for the Department of State


UNMA Career Talk Kyla Brooke 112 2

Register for Zoom Link here

After you register, please be sure to follow the social media listed below and be sure to fill out the DOS Career Form.   

Would you like to become a part of the U.S. Department of State talent network and receive updates on internships, fellowships, and job openings you may be interested in? - Sign up here

 In Addition to the form above be sure to follow or visit the following social media platforms.        

Visit the Career Website for Job Postings here: careers.state.gov | *CAREERS REPRESENTING AMERICA* | Facebook  | Linked IN  | Twitter  | Download this app on Google  |  Download this app on Apple

ZOOM- https://rutgers.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMkd-urpzgvEtOXQIVw1XEAOkhyHGLaOJO4
Please do not forget the extra step (after you register for the Zoom meeting) to the DOS Career Form.