Upcoming Events

UNMA Library Workshop #1 for all New UNMA students

Contact Tom Glynn-

Library Workshop 2022 JPEG

UNMA Library workshop with Tom Glynn

Please be sure to RSVP on Canvas workstation as attendance will be recorded and implemented extra credit toward Intro to UN course -Please pick only one time in which you can attend

All new UNMA students are required to attend -All UNMA students are invited to attend

September 15th - Remote only - 3pm - Link Webex :https://rutgers.webex.com/meet/glynn  September 20th - Remote only 6pm - Link Webex:  https://rutgers.webex.com/meet/glynn

webex see above Copy and paste into your browser
September 15th - 3pm - Link Webex: 


September 20th - Remote only 6pm - Link Webex: 
